WPPAC Co-founder's Message
Hon. Robert L. Leggett
Robert Louis Leggett (July 26, 1926-August 13, 1997) was a United States Congressman from California.
Born in Richmond, California, Leggett attended the public schools there. He served in the United States Navy Air Corps from 1944 to 1946.
He graduated from the University of California Berkeley with a B.A. in 1947, and the University of California Boalt Hall School of Jurisprudence with a J.D. in 1950. He was admitted to the bar in 1951 and began the practice of law in Vallejo, California. He served as a member of the California State Assembly in 1960 through 1962.
Leggett was elected to the Eighty-eighth Congress and to the seven succeeding Congress. As a Democratic member of Congress Leggett worked with President John F. Kennedy in legislating to create U.S. Peace Corps. In addition Leggett chaired subcommittee on Research and Development of the House Armed Services Committee, chaired subcommittee of Defense Appropriations of the House Budget Committee, chaired subcommittee of Fish, Wildlife and Environment of the House Merchant Marines Committee. As a Member of the Merchant Marines Committee, Leggett was very active in Panama Canal, legislated into law the landmark 200 Mile Fishing Limit Law, created Wetlands, Environmental Protection Law, and created Colusa Canal. Federal aid to build U. C. Davis Library, created many Aquaculture Programs, legislated into law PL480 which helped U. S. farmers and assisted developing countries. Leggett was the first U. S. Congressman to meet with Prime Minister Golda Mayia of Israel to offer U. S. Military aid to Israel.
After his retirement from Congress Leggett practiced Criminal, International, and Copy Rights law in California, New York, and Washington, D. C. He was appointed as Legal Counsel for Korean Military Contractors Association. In 1983 Leggett created World Peace Corps Mission together with Dr. Han Min Su of Korea. The organization is registered in Washington, D. C. with offices in South Korea and in So. California.
After through researches and preparatory works, Hon. Dr. Robert L. Leggett by the will of H.E. John F. Kennedy has Co-founder and incorporated the World Peace Corps Mission of trinity function relations; the World Peace Corps Mission, World Peace Corps Academy and World Peace Prize Awarding Council Inc. with Dr. Han Min Su the former Public Relations Officer PACAF and has completed the legal registration with Washington D.C. government USA on November 22, 1989. Hon. Dr. Robert L. Leggett in a deep sight has agreed to assume the superintendent, One Christ Council International with an extensive support of his esteemed wife, Dr. Suzi P. Leggett.

Hon. Robert L. Leggett

Dr. Rev. Han Min Su
Co-founder, Chairman of the Board, WPCA, WPPAC, WPCM, KJPC
It has been already twenty two(22) years since the historical inauguration of World Peace corps Academy(WPCA), World Peace Prize Awarding Council Inc.(WPPAC) and World Peace Corps Mission(WPCM) by renewing the Korea Jerusalem Project Council Inc.(KJPC) into trinity functional relations expanding its peace services mission systematically.
As KJPC was originally commenced to develop world peace Justices and Mercy services of Korean initiative under the support of Late Hon. Robert L. Leggett, the Co-founder with my humble self, I decided with no reservation to voluntarily contribute a large size of Holy Land of Mirinae and its expenses to incorporate Korean Jerusalem Project Council Inc.(KJPC) in Washington D.C. government in November 22, 1989.
The Co-founders, Hon. Dr. Robert L. Leggett and my humble self were so delightful even formulating One Christ Council International based on our common faith that Dr. Robert L. Leggett is Catholic and was ordained as Protestant Reverend in the battle ground and my humble self was the Secretary General, National Evangelical Movement, Korea which has organized and managed the world reknown Yoido Plaza Rev. Billy Graham mass crusade in 1977 and 1977, 1980 and 1984 under the leadership of great Rev. Dr. Han Kyung Jick, under whose supervision my humble self had supported in coordination and communication with Vatican thru Hon. Vatican Ambassador to Korea, Vatican Archi Bishop Monterisi to invite His Holiness Pope Paul to come to Yoido Plaza public ground in 1984 in addition to my past respect of Catholic, keep supporting three(3) Catholic schools in Korea realizing historical visit of H.H. Pope to Yoido Mass Crusade stage, now I realized that whole series of my functional steps were precisely planned and managed by the Almightiness, this testimony should inspire clearly those who reads the miracles in His providence.
At this point I am standing to further develop the functions of the One Christ Council International with my colleagues of WPPAC, WPCA, WPCM and KJPC to create moderational functions by and between the Catholics-Protestants and with all of the other religious for world peace.
I am very much delighted to deliver Co-founder's Message on the occasion of World Peace Prize Awarding ceremony held on June 14, 2011 at the Gold Room Capitol Hill, Rayburn office, for the prominent awardees in recognition of as described below:
Dr. Hon. Robert L. Leggett, Co-founder WPPAC, WPCA, WPCM and One Christ Council International with an extensive support of his esteemed wife Dr. Suzi P. Leggett.
Dr. Lester Wolff, Chairman, Ask Congress TV, for outstanding leadership of inter-religious collaborations by and between Judaism, Catholic, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism within core-spirits of peace and justices devoting life long services for peace-justice causes thru news media, politics and diplomacy.
Hon. Benjamin Gilman, for having served for thirty(30) years in the US Congress, International Relations Committee since year 1993 applying his seasoned leadership experience in the fields of peace, justices, welfares, humanitarian, securities and narcotics.
How great are they! May God bless them. In particular, organization and development of One Christ Council International was Co-founded by Chief Director, Mrs. Joo Macdellena of the Father Saint Andrew Kim's Commemorative prayer center and Dr. Han Min Su, President, Korean Jerusalem Project Council Inc.(KJPC) of which USA Corporation Inc. was contributed to establishment of World Peace Corps Academy, World Peace Corps Mission, World Peace Prize Awarding Council of trinity functional relations.
And were only possible under the guidance and leadership of Late Hon. Dr. Robert L. Leggett(9 term US Congressman - Democrat) with the support of His spouse Dr. Suzi P. Leggett.
The inauguration of One Christ Council International was so far and deep sighted solution as the Protestant and the Catholic are equally under teachings of Old-New Testaments with a difference of the rules and ritual traditions.
By the grace of Lord the Vatican has officially announced in the name of His Holiness Pope the withdrawal of betrayer charge against Late Father Martin Luther enabling the One Christ Council International to further develop its holy function to moderate or adjust what conflicts existing and or to arise not only by and between the Catholic and the Protestants but also with the other religions and philosophical groups which was the primary objective of the World Peace Corps Mission that was inaugurated based on the mother Corporation, KJPC contribution.
Thus WPCM is very well equiped to serve its role for peace development, preservation and promotions in every corner of the world communities.
Perhaps, Hon. Lester Wolff(Senior Democrat) Hon. Benjamin Gilman(Senior Republican) should try to relax the tensions prevailing in the formational mechanism of the Catholic leading Democrat symbolism and the Protestant symbolism Republican before it reaches to hatredism.
It will be ideal for Dr. Asher Naim of Israel Ambassador, Ret. to serve a role of moderation with his accumulated wisdoms and know-hows.
The USA being the world leading country for freedom and democracy and its government was inaugurated based on the Puritanism spirits and any and all ideological pursues should be carried out within a limit of frame principles to preserve basic teachings of Old and New Testaments by constantly separating religions from the politics which nowadays is a confronting crisis of turmoil due to growing sense of Populism and welfare budget demands.
You could even solve the normalization of China - Taiwan and South - North Korea with the mechanism of inter-religious collaboration of peace force leading. It may be very ideal to withdraw US committment to defend Taiwan commencing a grand bargain between H.E. Obama and H.E. Hujintao that China sell to all of US CD in her possession at zero rate and USA proclaim the withdraw of US commitment to defend th Taiwan, as has been recently proposed by US Marine Captain of Hanard graduate allowing the Chinese reunifications.
It will appear to be very convencing to the world that US policy thus relaxing the world tension of such will symbolize then noble value of vigilant soldiers role for world peace in compliance with the puritanism ideology.
The Bible declares that word of God emerges from Jerusalem and for rules comes from the Mt. Zion.
It could be God's will for the Jewish of Judaism should perform moderation role for peace and harmony causes choosing the USA political-diplomatical stage as a model success mission site for the Almightiness in the name of One Christ Council International.
Once you overcome the religious wall in USA you should be able to solve the fatal disputes between the descendants of Issac and Ismael in the middle east region.
The Judaism and the Muslim must be reconciliated at any cost to avoid the total destruction and salvation of the mankind as nothing is impossible in the hands of the creator, Almightiness. The naive souls are suffering without realizing the long cherished-distrust-hatredism that is totally out of teachings of the creator, Almightiness!
Perhaps the mild Buddhism and Confucianism could join, in the moderation role between the Judaism and Muslim. Who knows that is the providence of God to produce maximum number of lives salvation?
Whole world will be highly inspired with the out come of inter-religious collaborations of peace force leading, complimenting WPPAC Peace solutions.
We thank God for bringing all of us together into function of the sacred global body of peace-harmony creational role of WPPAC, WPCA, WPCM, and KJPC. Thy will be done on earth as is done is Heaven!
I am being the Gods humble servant, praying for your continued success and for good health, I remain. Thy Kingdom come!

Dr. Rev. Han Min Suf
Co-founder, Chairman of the Board, WPCA, WPPAC, WPCM, KJPC